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Family News


July 2007: Vacation to California...We flew out to San Diego after the Settler's Mill July 4th party.  There we visited Sea World, Legoland, the beach, Coronado, and of course the San Diego Zoo.  The second stop was Los Angeles, where we mostly sat in traffic, but also managed to squeeze in a trip to Hollywood.  After that, King's Canyon and the Sequoia forest, which we decided was "the coolest place on earth."  Next we met Auntie Julia and family in Monterey, seeing Carmel and the PCH. Next visit was Napa and Bjork's cousin Hilda and family.  Finally we left from San Fran after stops at Alcatraz and the wharf.  The weekend after the vacation was set aside for recovery.

While on vacation, our dear uncle Andrew Kuschner passed away. He was a fine man and will be sorely missed. Karl attended the funeral with Julia and Ellie, and saw Jan, Scott, and Carolynn, Andy's co-workers, and West Point classmates.

Andrew Kuschner


March 2007: We had a fun Christmas with Bjork's father visiting.  Near the end of Christmas break we started work on finishing most of our basement and adding a bathroom.  That pretty much covers the evenings and weekends between January and now, since we've done nothing else but work in the basement since then.  We did manage to escape to the slopes for a weekend, taking the kids up to Wintergreen ski resort where Dad joined them in some PAINFUL snowboarding lessons.

December 2006:  It's been a long time since I updated the web site- sorry.  The good news is that not much has changed...except for the fact that Erin is now in middle school and Erik has a couple of seasons of baseball under his belt.  I've finished all my coursework for the PhD and am in the middle of my research project. More on that later.

Dec 2004 - Whew! My first semester of grad school is over.  Things went OK except for that evil Quantum Mechanics final exam.  I've extracted a small portion of my old formula "cheat sheet" for Electrodynamics for you to enjoy. Erin and Erik are both in the school Chess Club.  Erik has started Boy Scouts and earned his Bobcat badge. Erin made the straight A honor roll at school!

Nov 2004 - It's been a busy few months.  We finally got in our house on August 31st, after a week and a half in a hotel. A few days before that, Bjork started a new job as a school counselor at both Grafton and Yorktown middle schools in York County.  Karl started his doctoral program at William and Mary, taking Classical and Quantum Mechanics and a Math-Physics course. The next week Erin and Erik started 4th and 2nd grade at Rawl's Byrd Elementary. Things have settled down a bit now and there are even a few pictures on the wall.

July 2004- Karl Retires!   Col. Larry Wells presides.  Mom, Carolyn, and Julie come for the ceremony. During their visit, we take a short trip to DC, Busch Gardens, and Water Country.  The house is still not finished, so everybody sleeps on the floor. The "shadow box" shown below has Karl's medals, some flight suit patches, and a flag that was flown in an F-4E, an F-15C, and also in the USAF's newest fighter, the F/A-22.

June 2004-  We are wearily watching the excruciatingly slow progress made by our otherwise competent builder, Mickey Simpson. Nearly a year after signing the contract, the house is still two months away from being finished.  How can a plumber take 7 weeks to install the rough in plumbing?

April 2004 - For Spring Break, we did a road trip to Baltimore, New York, and Washington D.C.  In New York we stayed in Times Square. We saw "Beauty and the Beast on Broadway, toured the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, World Trade Center, and Central Park.


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This site was last updated 07/28/07